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HIPAA Compliance For Patient Health Record

The confidentiality of patient information is paramount to the healthcare industry. HIPPA Regulations also make it mandatory to protect patient's information. GEOACL’s optional secure, out-of-band authentication service ensures that online healthcare resources are protected during crucial administrative tasks such as website password delivery and reset.

GEOACL’s real-time, contact with the individual conducting the online transaction is the best way to make sure you know who is attempting to access privileged healthcare information and from where. The GEOACL service sends email to web site visitor's designated secure email account asking him to acknowledge the access attempt, verifying the user's identity in real-time and collecting valuable audit records for the transaction.
Patients usually share their healthcare information with providers. There might be exposure of patient health information (PHI) if patient's own or provider's credential are stolen. If patient protects his PHI using location protection offered by GEOACL, stolen credentials cannot be used from anywhere to access/download PHI and other patient profile information like SSN and Driving license for example. User can configure security to allow access to PHI only from allowed geographical locations for Hospitals, Providers Offices with whom it deals with. User can change revoke location conditions as per its will.